The HD-11xe is an excellent shared service machine that balances price and performance perfectly with access to high end features such as 4D and excellent cardiac support. The “xe” version adds an LCD monitor on an articulating arm and software upgrades such as Qlab.
Allengers Virgo series of EEG test system is a digital signal processing and brain mapping technique. The device is intended to acquire, store, and transfer biophysical parameters to EEG machines for the purpose of assisting the diagnosis of neurological and sleep disorders, measurement, and display of cerebral activities for EEG and Sleep Studies. This data may be used by the clinician in Sleep Disorders, Epilepsies, and other related disorders as a diagnostic tool.
Allengers Scorpio Series of EMG, EP test system are designed using state-of-the-art technology for Innovation of using computer technology to record the EMG, EP and NCS has brought diagnostic neurology to the edge of the 21st century finding diseases that damage muscle tissue, nerves, or the junctions between nerve and muscle (neuromuscular junctions).